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Collection: Mondo

Species: Serval (Leptailurus serval
DOB: January 17, 2020 
Sex: Female 

Arrival Date: January 17, 2023

Rescue Story: Farmers in the Ozark Mountains of Missouri called TCWR after catching Mondo in a live trap. They had noticed a strange looking, non-native cat roaming their property for a six months and they successfully caught it in a live trap. It was a good thing too, because African Servals are native to the warm savannahs and would not survive the cold mountain winter. After contacting Missouri Fish and Game, the farmers called TCWR who immediately left to rescue the cat. Once onsite at our veterinary hospital, we found the serval was a female with an infected foot and tail injury that required immediate amputation. 

More about Mondo: Mondo is very bold and aggressive towards humans. She has a very stubborn personality and is not afraid to come up to the Staff and challenge them as they approach to give her medications and food. We have a lot of work to do on her transformation, but like all animals that come to the Refuge, we are confident that she will find peace in her new life of sanctuary. 
2 products
  • Mondo Serval Adoption
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    $ 150.00
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    $ 150.00
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  • Mondo Serval Photo Magnet
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    $ 6.00
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